Wednesday 20 November 2013


If you're gay you have HIV/AIDS right? right? wrong.

HIV/AIDS is one of the many gay stereotypes but it's also a big thing used to undermine gay people these days. That people with the illness are all homosexual but i'm here to tell you that it's one big falsity. It's a faker rumor then barbie so that's saying something.

To get HIV you need either someone infected (doesn't have to be gay!), a method of tranfusion (injection, sexual organ, wound even), and something of the infected to transfer into your own body (blood, semen, vaginal fluids, even breastmilk).

You can't get HIV from kissing it would take 1 in a billion chances because HIV is very thin in the saliva and your body won't let it get into you, plus your stomach acid would just burn it all up if it even reached that far. You can however contract HIV from oral sex but that is highly unlikely aswell, you need to have cuts or wounds within your mouth for the virus to get through.

Also I need to tell you this which some people just don't seem to get: Two people who have not had sex or been exposed to anything HIV, both virginal as ever, will NOT get HIV together. Think about it, how do you pass on something you don't even have :/

It's not just gay people who have it, straight people get it too. Babys get it when infected mothers bore them and breastfeed.

The origin of where HIV come from is inapplicable at the moment. It's a sad disease, i've yet to interview someone who struggles with it so I can get more indepth as to what it is. The main point i'm trying to get through with this though is HIV is everywhere, not in gays, its everywhere. 60% of infected youth don't even know they have it, because these days a lot of teens engage in unprotected sex casually not realizing the risks.

I urge those teenagers gay and straight, if your heading into 'the world of sex' as I like to call it. Make sure that you are prepared. Condoms are a must, unless your ready to start little families or risk disease, don't be reckless. Wrap it before you tap it.

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