Monday 20 January 2014

Open Relationships

I've always wondered about these, I always wondered why people do them and how they're so... okay with it all. Well, I came across a guy named Jackson online and plucked up the courage to finally get in on this 'relationship status' that was once so foreign to me. And this is how it all went down.

Normal - Jackson.

What is an open relationship exactly?

Well funnily enough despite having a "Hall Pass" I haven’t strayed yet. It simply means if I meet a person I am attracted to (and being bi sexual that could be anyone) as long as I am honest with my partner it is ok to play.

How did you two decide this in the first place? Who wanted to do this? And how did both of you feel about it all... when it was on the table?

After she almost strayed it was almost just like adding a reality to our situation. To be honest our relationship ran smoother after the fact.

Are there rules involved? Do you and your partner have things like that set?

Honesty is the only rule really.

What is the difference between and open relationship and friendship? If you’re having sex with others how do you keep your relationship special and well... together?

Yeah I guess as I haven’t strayed it is a bit hard to gauge but we also look at introducing others into the sexual side of things together as well as apart. I guess it came down to a realisation of different sex drives and needs for fulfilment but it is strange how I am allowed yet I rarely do search for others. We have been together 8 years 4 of which we have had an understanding about our sexuality. We just be there for each other always like normal and have the exception of being allowed to talk t others and play if there is a spark.

If he's slept with others and you haven't IF HE HAS haha does he tell you about it?

Yup that is the agreement. But the clincher is I am in a relationship with a lady. Should have touched on that. I am bad at this. Haha

Oh so there are agreements? Is that it besides Honesty and Communication? Like well some open relationships I’ve been invited into where no kissing, and no cuddling the guy you guys are being with. Any of that?

Hmm no not really any restrictions I don’t know if that would come naturally or not but it is something there are no hang ups about.

What are some things that you don’t get from your relationship with your partner? Compared to an open one?

I guess less sex.

Really? Why is that?

Well I think part of the reason I wanted it was to not feel like I had to pressure her as I had a high sex drive but it was that and the fact she almost cheated that made me want to have an open relationship as I did not want to limit her either.

Do you get worried that being intimate with anyone else might make one of you two stray from each other?

No that comes back to honesty for example if she found someone she preferred to be with I would understand and let it be so I wouldn't see the point in staying.

What do you guys do exactly with your relationship? Like does it sometimes feel a little awkward at all?

No it is just normal aside from the fact we can play outside of it.

How long have you guys been in an open relationship?

About 5 years but been together 8

Oh wow :O that’s awhile that you haven't played.. Damn

Yeah weird aye? I guess it just made us more comfortable then yeah... not saying we wont just we haven’t

Yeah :O well I think that’s enough questions don't think I can think of anymore haha but wow thanks :D I think I have a little more understanding now... oh, except.. if you guys ever got married, would you guys still be open, even when joined in that way?

Yeah I think so.

Sweet as, thanks lots

AND heres me thinking it was only gay people in these kind of relationships -_- silly me. Well that's what i've gotten so far :) hopefully it helps others learn a thing or two as well.

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