Sunday 6 October 2013

Interview with other transgender people in general

So i've done afew interview's with some transgender people and am loving what's being spoken. I'll post up each person's as soon as it's out.

Jah , MTF transgender woman.
Himiona, MTF transgender woman.
Jaye, MTF transgender woman.

When did you decide you were transgender? How?

Jah - I felt different when I was 4, lol my Nan encouraged it by dressing me up like a girl and I kind of started from then.
Himiona -  I don't think it was something I decided, it was more something learnt. I think like most I tried that gay thing, felt like dressing up, suddenly it became a daily thing. I'm new to it so i'm still finding and learning about it.
Jaye - I didn't decide that I was a transgender. I knew right from the start that I was different.

What's it like being transgender? Could you explain your sexuality a bit?

Jah - It isn’t a lifestyle for the weak, you have got to be quite mentally strong and be able to withstand random peoples thoughts/comments, coz u cant hide being transgender, being gay u can hide it but being transgender openly? Its all out there and if yr not very passable or pretty? Life is much harder, then again when it comes to love or personal intimate relationships some say its better to be "sprung" coz if a guy hits on you? He knows what u are already, if yr too pretty then he’ll get a shock when he finds out yr not all that you appear to be, lol so both sides have there pro's an con's.
Himiona - Well like I said I am still finding myself. So it has been tough at times but i'm still working things out.
Jaye - I know myself that being transgender, I feel more comfortable. And I accept who I am. My sexuality, well.. I am nor male, nor a female. I like to think of myself as a special something and a gift. That is who I am.

Do ever like try hide your sexuality or feel uncomfortable about it?

Jah - Depends on how my hair looks lol i wont leave the house lookng sligtly askew, if i look ok tho then i just walk out an dont care, coz i know i look ok. I dont have a paho or beard, lol if I did? Then id have something to hide/worry about, lol
Himiona - Always, I grew up being told I couldn't do it and stuff so that's why it's not until now i'm learning about myself.
Jaye - I never hide my sexuality or myself. I am loud and proud and I have no shame.

What types of discrimination have you experienced because your transgender?

Jah - I wasn’t bullied or discriminated in school, I had one bully that I dealt to but I’ve never had rants or words called out at me, tho last year I went to the doctor an she was new to me, wasn’t accepting, and when she looked up my file she was shocked to see my details an then she turned on me an said she couldn’t help me, and I had to see another doctor, like a had green blood and I was catchy, lol small minded idiot she was/is,
Himiona - Allsorts really. I've been called everything under the sun. By strangers and people I know. I've never been physically abused. The only time was at school.
Jaye - I personally haven't experienced discrimination but I have witnessed others and I feel that there is no respect. Respect plays a big part of being transgender. I grew up in a family that being who ever you were only mattered to you and if you were happy, than support and love was there always.

What stage are you at with becoming a full woman/man?

Jah - I’m fully complete now, post op lol now I just have to get my man to propose an marry me, lol
Himiona - That's the thing I don't know really. I wanna go the full way. In my head, I am me. How I choose to dress is feminine to compliment it.
Jaye - I am me, and I am in transformation.

Are you pre-op? Or post-op? Afterwards do you still class as 'transgender' or not?

Jah - In my mind I’ve always been a girl so I just see myself as a woman. And u just need some surgical changes to align yr mental/spiritual with yr physical.
Himiona - I don't think I can go through that pain. I try to think of myself as me so I can't change anything or I won't be me.
Jaye - I am me, and I am in transformation.

Do you consider yourself a straight woman/man? How exactly does it work?

Jah - I only like men, only attracted to heterosexual men, tho I’ve heard of other transgender girls who go after other transgender girls, but that just freaks me out, lol I like my cock in a jock, not a cock in a frock, lol
Himiona - This is what I say I am claustrophobic so my answer would be, I won't be put in a box of an kind until i'm dead.
Jaye - I consider myself being a woman. I live my life as a woman. There shouldn't be a question how does it work, its basically about personal reference and about how you want to be treated.

A bit shame but ummm which bathroom do you use?

Jah - I always use the ladies, lol
Himiona - The unisex or disabled if that's not an option... I use the females.
Jaye - I use the female toilet wherever I go.

What's something that's really encouraged or discouraged you in your journey?

Jah - People think coz yr transgender that yr a hooker or a drugee or both, so most people look down on us as street trash or people who are lost cause so as a trans I’ve always felt I’ve had to work harder, be better, live better and always look better than the norm, to show that we aren’t all cocksuckers or street workers, we can be just as good as anyone else, if I was physically disabled an was mentally impaired then id be a lost cause, but I’m in full working order so I cant complain. Just gotta get on with it.
Himiona - Encouraged would be my sisters and my friends. Discouraged would be when women compare who I am to a ''real'' woman.
Jaye - Something that has really encouraged me on my journey is the support and love from family and friends and me offering advice to our young transgenders that are sprouting, offering them support and making them sure that they know that there are many people out there that are in the same position. Always giving a hand is the main part of it all.

How has your family accepted you as being transgender?

Jah - My family was accepting but to my extended family that don’t know me? Or have ever met me? They aren’t, coz they don’t know me very well, and I’m guessing when they heard about me they probably "assumed" I was a prostitute or a drugee or both, lol stereotypes really suck.
Himiona - I think they see me as a male who dresses up.
Jaye - My family has accepted me from day one. My whole family is either gay, trans, lesbian and all other genders but what kept our family strong is that we never judged one another and nor did our elders look down on us as if we were something else. So the knowledge that was handed to me, I love to share.

Thank you for your time,

Jah - All good Hun xox
Himiona - I know but like I said I still have to find out more of who I am.
Jaye - There you are love

I love transgender people so much. Their strength and passion, and belief in who they are just overwhelms me. They make me so happy. I can't wait to hear from many others in the future.

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