Thursday 3 October 2013

Spreading the gay... Really?

A classic one 'stop spreading your gayness!'

The takeaways employee from my first post was criticized within the work force for being 'TOO GAY' and was told not to TURN customers gay. What the F -_- poor guy being hated on by management for being who he is. Being too embarrassed to come to work and calling in sick not too work with certain manager's losing hours and money. It's takeouts! Not church for gods sakes people.
It's funny that people think homosexuality is contagious. When a lot of gay people may have had no gay friends or family, or even known many if any gay people and yet they are gay. You can't spread 'gayness' because it's not like a sickness that can be passed on. It's born into our brain and not even scientist have been able to understand why people are gay. Being gay is believed by science that it's within your brain and you can't control it. Even if you decide to go to bible camp. They say that LGBT people could influence their child to be gay. Last I checked a child has its own body, conscience, mind etc. You can't make or tell someone to be gay same as you can't force someone who likes pizza, to like burgers. :/

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