Saturday 5 October 2013

Things I love in guys

Guys with some of these things... Definitely make the cut. I wish I had a guy with all of these. But no :/ single as ever.

Send’s long and soppy messages about how much I’m loved
18+ years old - 25
Looks me in the eye when I’m talking to him
Plays with my hair
Writes cute little letters and leaves them where I’ll find them
Compliments me
Protective but not overprotective
Good personality
Has abit of weight (75kgs minimum)
Nice hair, tidy, not messy looking (like harry styles -_- no thank you) and preferably only one colour
Serious yet carefree
Honest to me
Loves movies
Isn’t homeless or poor
Can sing or dance (one of the two)
Mutual interests
Not an alcoholic or a drug addict
Sweet and caring
Nice smile
Good reputation
Can be a diva at times and a little bitchy in defense
Great kisser
Not forgetful
Can cook
A little dorky
Down to earth
Supports me in every way and all my decisions
Is concerned for some of the things I get myself into, cares about my wellbeing but respects my choice
Likes being crazy with me and losing control (to a point)
Faithful to me
Treats others and me with respect
Calls me rather then texts but when he texts, sends x’s in nearly every message
Likes some supernatural videos
Will watch musicals with me
Doesn’t crowd me
Loves me and will do anything for my love
Will talk to me about his problems and seek me for guidance
Trusts me
Talks dirty to me but not too much
Likes to have a drink now and again
Stands up for me
Loves black
Cuddles me from behind and holds me till I fall asleep
A little spiritual
Calls me a range of names (cutie, beautiful, sweetie etc.)
6/10 rate at minimum
Want’s to marry me and be with me for a long time
Would never dream about breaking my heart
Appreciates me
Peaceful and resilient

Would love to hear other people's lists of their idea of a perfect partner hahaha imagine away

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