Thursday 3 October 2013


So I see this being asked to alot of gay people often 'why are you gay?' in that position I would probably reply with 'why are you straight?' but I want to elaborate on that question. Why are gay people gay?
Why? well here's a question back... why not? many people go on and on that being gay was their own choice and they chose that lifestyle. Many say it's disgusting and unholy but let's talk about that sort of choice. Why would someone choose the things i'm about to list:

1. Gay people are not allowed donating blood, helping to save lives.
2. In some places gay people can not marry?
3. In alot of places it is not allowed for gay people to adopt children.
4. In some places if a gay person is not truly married to their partner then they are not allowed visiting their ill or dying partner in the hospital unless their family gives you permission.
5. Your will can be debated if your not legally married to your partner in some places.
6. In alot of places gay people are fired from their jobs! Just for being gay. Just this year in New Zealand a Takeaways employee was criticized for being 'too gay'!
7. In 2009 25% of LGBT youth were kicked out of home for coming out. and 50% of them commited suicide.
8. Gay people are disapproved greatly by the public, alienated and turn to isolating themselves.
9. Not allowed worshipping at some churches for identifying as LGBT.
10.. Hate crimes, in Russia next to nothing is done if a gay person is beaten or killed simply because 'they were gay'
11. Other statistics show 65% of LGBT youth have experienced verbal or physical harassment within high schools. 67% have experienced violence at the hands of family members. 28% drop out because of the stress. 53% hear homophobic comments from SCHOOL STAFF! High school is a place your meant to grow and learn, but for alot of LGBT people it may as well be a prison.

Tell me WHY would anybody CHOOSE that sort of life to live and be exposed too. Now you decide is gay really a choice cause with the evidence i've shown I don't know one person who would pick to live through those things.

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