Saturday 5 October 2013

Interview's with LGB's :)

I notice a lot of LGBT pages talk mainly on gay people but I want to do more... Showing off Lesbian Pride, Bisexual Pride, Transgender Pride and Gay Pride all as a whole but with their seperate attributes. So i've done interview's with gay, lesbian and bisexual girls and boys... same questions, different gender's haha.

I have:
A friend who wishes to remain anonymous, Male, aged 23
Adriaan, Male, aged 25
Benjamin, Male, aged 21
Crystal, Female, aged 16
Jaysin, aged 32
Khloe, Female, aged 17
Joey, Male aged 16
and Quintessa, aged 18

At what age did you first have an idea that you were into the same sex?  

Anonymous - 13 or 14.
Adriaan - At 9 years old.
Benjamin - 8 was my first time I had an idea.
Crystal - Um well I met Courtenay when I was about 10, and I've always kinda had a thing for girls I don't think it just popped up one day but the only really serious thing I've ever had with a girl where I was in love was with her.
Jaysin - I was 16 but I was hiding it as I always had a girlfriend.
Joey - I don't know to be honest, i've always had that attraction.
Khloe - The age I started like girls was at the beginning of 2012.
Quintessa - I’d say I was about 12, I had just started my second year of intermediate.

Could you explain more about your attraction to the same sex? What do you like about people of your sex?

Anonymous - I don't know how to explain my attraction to guys, it just is lol.
Adriaan - I'm attracted to men because I've always saw their bodies to be desirable to me.
Benjamin - There isn't much to explain, I am not sexually or emotionally attracted to girls but I am to guys. There is no key thing that makes me think about what I like about guys.
Crystal - I think my whole attraction with girls is their personality (as with anyone because I am a people person) and the inspiration they give me to be better physically. Like, I have a physical attraction to girls too, it's both a "damn she is hot" and a "imagine if i looked like that"...i think it's kinda an envy thing. And if by 'what do you find attractive about girls' you're asking if im an ass or tits kinda person, i like both  but thighs are my weak point.
Jaysin - There wasn't really I just knew that I liked guys but I was hiding it till I felt comfortable.
Joey - I love a guy's personality, someone I can relate too, someone who helps me become the better version of myself. Someone who helps me to grow.
Khloe - I would say I always liked guys but then I would go to parties and just see all these hot girls and fell for them, as for my attraction to girls, I like them because like I said girls are so hot and sexy and me being a girl if I were to date girls they could understand what I like and don't like.
Quintessa - I’m not really sure how to explain it, it’s just something I've always felt. Personality is huge for me! Also, a person’s eyes!

Do ever like try hide your sexuality or feel uncomfortable about it? 

Anonymous - I do feel uncomfortable about my sexuality at times, and I do hide it, it just depends.
Adriaan - I've not tried to hide it as much as I've seen other people, however I won't make it an opening line when I meet people.
Benjamin - I don't hide it but I don't scream out to the world that I am gay.
Crystal - I think I'm fairly honest about my sexuality but I do feel uncomfortable about other people's reactions sometimes. I am comfortable with myself though. I'm bi, and I can admit that to people.
Jaysin - Yes I did as I was living with my aunt and she was a Christian. I hid it from her and while she was away I was playing around with the next-door neighbors son, even though we went to the same school and were in the same class, we didn't socialize with each other at school it was only when we were at home, as he would sneak into my window at nights.
Joey - I still do at times haha most people know but some people are very judgmental so i'm just cautious. But I love being into boys really. But I hate that people think that's all I am, that my sexuality is all I am and that it's the most interesting thing about me. Do they know I love to dance, or that i'm really into just sitting in bed watching tv shows. It just annoys me that so many just judge me before they know me.
Khloe - At first I hid it only because I didn't want to be made fun of and then on social media someone asked me and I just came clean said yes i'm into girls now everyone I know... knows and I get complimented a lot of the time, guys calling me extra hot.
Quintessa - Sometimes if I’m in a group situation, I feel uncomfortable about being bisexual. But then I remember that it doesn't matter to them who I choose to be with.

What types of discrimination have you experiences because your into the same sex? 

Anonymous - Discrimation, not direct as such but verbal abuse, or the use of language, heterosexual assumption, incorrectly introduced etc
Adriaan - I've been in physical fights, had stuff thrown at me, excluded from going back to class by the principal unless I repented, I was always called names.
Benjamin - I was once fired from a job for being gay. I sued them and won the case in 2011.
Crystal - I haven't had much discrimination, only one experience while nonsexually holding my friend's hand while walking through town, we got a lot of looks and a few teenage boys yelling out things like "lesbos" and stuff. That just made me angry. I don't believe in homophobia or transphobia because everyone has a right to happiness. That's what my sexuality is about, I am bi because I go for what makes me happy and people of every walk of life who are accepting make me happy.
Jaysin - Inapplicable :P he forgot to answer it haha
Joey - I get teased and tormented quite abit. Never physical, all verbal. It's the reason I come off as stuck up and stuff. I get quite abit of shit for it.
Khloe - I have gotten some shit for it, when i'm in the change rooms at school some girls cover up more in front of me. Like, just because i'm into girls it doesn't mean I like every girl.
Quintessa - Nothing so far, I don’t really pay much attention to others. (LUCKY GIRL!)

Have you had a girl/boyfriend or something close to it before? What's it like?

Anonymous - I have had a boyfriend, there is a lot of good things, but bad things as well, at times it felt like hard work.
Adriaan - I've had many boyfriends, I have learnt there are two kinds of love, bad and good, and people aren't always what they seem
Benjamin - Yes I have and its like any normal relationship there is love in it.
Crystal - My first girlfriend and pretty much only girlfriend was Courtenay, and we were friends for a long time before sexuality came into it. I really do think I loved her, she has helped me through so much and it sucks we don't talk anymore. She really has been my best friend and my rock, although I rarely mention her to other people because I'm afraid of negative reactions. But yes, having a girlfriend is amazing and sex can
Jaysin - Yes I have had boyfriend (which turned out to be the next-door neighbor sons) and we were both happy to be together as we started going out and I really loved him.
Joey - I had a thing. He was much older then me, but he was the most beautiful thing I had ever known. It hurts me so much that it's finished. He was the one I could tell myself 'He's the one'. He was the one who inspired who I am now, just knowing him and his existence... He was what I once wanted to be. He had the looks, a sweet voice, his touch was warm. I loved him. I miss him. It pain's me too see him, even in a picture. I just hope one day we might be able to start again, or even just be friends. I'll never stop hoping.
Khloe - I have had girlfriends and they have been incredible to be around and their amazing and just like me and I have to say girls have the softest lips ever.
Quintessa - I’ve had two girlfriends before, it really isn’t all that different.

How has your family accepted you as being into the same sex?

Anonymous - Some of my family have accepted it, althought I am not very close to my family anway.
Adriaan - My family don't like it, won't come to a wedding if I get married to another guy, don't want to know. keeps suggesting getting a wife. etc. so no they don't like it at all.
Benjamin - My family more then accepts me, but they also stand up for lgbt rights.
Crystal - I don't speak to much of my family but my mum knows and seems to accept it, girls aren't really a big part of my life since I have a boyfriend now but I still have those urges (he catches me checking out girls a lot). I guess in a way I'm still in the closet but I'm happy with myself and it's no one else's burden to worry about.
Jaysin - When my aunty found out that I was gay she went mad, but all my other family members just told me to be myself and that if I was happy with a guy, they were happy for me. Although my little brother was funny for a very long time, but in the end he got over it and we are very close today.
Joey - No. My family knows but most of them don't like it at all, so they think i'm 'suppressing it' and stuff. My cousins are the most accepting, I love them with all my heart. I love my family. But they'll never truly understand. They're strong christian's so they believe, what they believe. Full stop :(
Khloe - My mum was okay with it. Most of my family is they don't care as long as im being myself and im happy.
Quintessa - I think so, I mean we don’t really talk about it, and not all of my family actually knows.

And that's a wrap with interview's :)

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